FNAIT Initial Workup

Test Description
Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) is a rare condition where the mother's immune system identifies the baby's platelets as foreign and elicits an immune response leading to the destruction of the baby's platelets. It results from maternal alloimmunization to fetal human platelet antigens (HPA) inherited from the father.

Test Type
Specialized Testing

Additional Test Name(s)
Fetal/Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia investigation
Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia workup

Sample Notes
Whole blood in EDTA (lavender or pink) tubes and plain red top tube
- (do not use a gel separator tube)
Separate serum from red cells into a transfer tube labeled with the patient's name, date of birth or identification number, collection date, specimen type.

Requested Volume
Maternal - 20 mL of whole blood AND 6 mL serum.
Paternal - 20 mL of whole blood

Shipping Information
All samples
- Must contact lab prior to shipping.
- Ship serum frozen on dry ice.
- Serum shipped on wet ice is acceptable if arriving within 48 hours of collection.
Whole blood:
- Ship at room temperature.
- Samples must be received in the testing lab within 48 hours of collection.
- Whole blood samples received more than 48 hours after collection will be rejected.

Platelet surface immunofluorescence (PSIFT), Solid phase red cell adherence assay (SPRCA), Bead-based immunoassay, HPA genotyping, ABO/Rh serologic typing, and other methodologies guided by test reactivity.

Turnaround Time
7-10 days

Accepts NY State Samples
If you have an account, you can place this order online using "CONNECT".
Or, contact the lab directly.
National Reference Laboratory for Specialized Testing
(215) 451-4205
(215) 351-0179