RHD Genotyping

Test Description
D variant testing; Weak D testing; Partial D testing.
Allows for best matched red cell blood product for the patient and the avoidance of alloimmunization.

Test Type

Additional Test Name(s)
Medium resolution D variant testing

Sample Notes
Sample Requirements:
All samples must be clearly labeled with the full name of the individual and a unique identification number. The information on the tube must match the information on the request form. Sample labels should also include date and time of collection. Samples less than 10 days old are preferred. DNA yield of older specimens may be low or QNS and may not yield valid results. Samples 10 days or older may be rejected.
Whole Blood: One 5-10ml EDTA (lavender top) or ACD type A (yellow top) whole blood tube. If submitting pre- and post-transplant samples, clearly label them as such and submit separate request forms.
Blood specimens submitted for genomic DNA analysis should be less than 10 days old for optimal DNA yield. Older specimens may yield insufficient material for testing.
Amniocytes: 1 – 5 ml amniotic fluid or 1 – 5 x 106 cultured amniocytes. A maternal blood sample is required when submitting fetal sample. Submit with separate service request forms. Microsatellite analysis (HLA020) is performed on all maternal and amniocyte submissions to rule out maternal cell contamination (MCC). If MCC is detected, testing will not be performed.
Buccal Swabs: Use sterile cotton-tipped applicator. Air dry swab before shipment in sterile tube without media. Submission of two to four swabs per subject is recommended.
Genomic DNA: 20 - 25 ng/µL in microtube is required for testing. Call for more information.
All Samples
- Samples without sufficient information for unique identification will be rejected.
Whole Blood Samples Only
- Lithium heparin sample tubes are NOT acceptable for testing.
- Leukoreduced samples DO NOT yield acceptable DNA quantities for testing.
Laboratory phone number: 1-215-451-4917
Laboratory fax number: 1-215-451-2506 or 1-215-451-4925
Laboratory email: NationalMolecular@redcross.org

Requested Volume
Blood Specimens: 4 mL
Genomic DNA: 20 - 25 ng/µL is required for most testing. Call for more information.
Amniocytes: 1 – 5 ml amniotic fluid or 1 – 5 x 106 cultured amniocytes. NOTE: A maternal blood sample is required when submitting fetal sample.

Shipping Information
Shipping Requirements:
- Whole blood samples can be shipped at room temperature or refrigerated using ice packs or wet ice sealed in plastic bags, according to DOT regulations for biological specimens.
- DNA, amniocytes, and buccal swabs MUST be shipped refrigerated using ice packs or wet ice sealed in plastic bags, according to DOT regulations for biological specimens.
- Wrap samples in absorbent materials to safeguard from freezing or breaking.
- Ship all samples "Next Day" delivery.
Shipping Address:
American Red Cross
National Molecular Laboratory
700 Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
Shipping Label can be printed from the Connect Service order.

Multiplex PCR and on bead elongation for fluoresence detection of single nucleotide variants.

Turnaround Time
7-10 business days

Accepts NY State Samples
If you have an account, you can place this order online using "CONNECT".
Or, contact the lab directly.
National Molecular Laboratory
700 Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
7:00am – 7:00pm EST
(215) 451-4917
(215) 451-2506